Daily Schedule

Sample Daily Schedule for the Red Class:

Meeting Time – Calendar, Weather, Counting with Forest Friends, discussion of the days events.

Story Time

Center Time – Centers are open for free play. Centers include: Housekeeping/Dramatic Play, Block Center, Sand Table, Puzzle Table, Listening Center, Library Center, Handwriting Center, Legos, Activity/Sensory Table, Fine Motor/Play Dough Table and Small Toy Center (Hot Wheels Cars, Brio Trains, etc.). During Center Time there are planned activities that include art projects, science projects, math projects, special games and other theme based activities.

Snack Time

Large Motor Play – Outside on the playground or inside with large motor toys.

Group Activity – At this time we may do some graphing activities, science experiments, letter or number recognition activities. There is a different type of activity planned each day.

Clean-up Time


Music Time